Dr Katarzyna Nowak is a historian specialising in the cultural and social history of the early Cold War and the author of Kingdom of Barracks: Polish Displaced Persons in Allied-Occupied Germany and Austria.
She is currently working on her book project Knocking on the Vatican’s Gates. Refugees, the Holy See, and the Spectre of Communism, 1945-1958 as a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Vienna.
Research interests:
Cold War
Population displacement
Refugee studies
Soviet and Eastern European history
Intellectual history of communism and anti-communism
The Vatican and the origins of the Cold War
Email: katarzyna.nowak(at)univie.ac.at
Selected work
Selected work
Co-authored article: "What is refugee history, now?" in Journal of Global History.
Conference: Remaking the World.
contact: katarzyna.nowak[at]univie.ac.at
contact: katarzyna.nowak[at]univie.ac.at