Kingdom of Barracks is available in many libraries: find a copy via WorldCat. If you choose to buy it, use the 30% discount code MQSP.
Katarzyna Nowak, "The Vatican’s Aid to Displaced Persons and Refugees in the Aftermath of World War II", in Simon Unger-Avi (ed.), Katholizismus am Eisernen Vorhang. Der Vatikan, Westdeutschland und der Kalte Krieg, 1945-1965, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2024.
Katarzyna Nowak, "Archives and Historical Perspectives in Researching Humanitarianism", Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality, in Silke Roth, Tobias Denskus, and Bandama Purkayastha (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2024.
Katarzyna Nowak, "'Low in Health and Spirits.' Health and Hygiene Campaign in UNRRA Camps in Germany and Austria as a Form of Rehabilitation”, in S. K. Knapton & K. Rossy (eds.), Relief and Rehabilitation for a Postwar World? Humanitarian Intervention and the UNRRA (Histories of Internationalism series), London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
Katarzyna Nowak, "Telling History of Displacement Through Objects,” in Kathrin Heinrich, Frida Robles (eds.), Addressing Amnesia, Performing Trauma, Vienna: monochrom, 2023.
Katarzyna Nowak, „Z ludzi nie-ludzi jestem”. Przemiany tożsamościowe polskich dipisów w świetle dokumentów osobistych’, Z ojczyzny do obczyzny. Doświadczenia uchodźstwa polskiego, eds. Rafał Kleśta-Nawrocki, Marcin Lutomierski, Artur Trapszyc, Toruń: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze, 2019. [in Polish]
Katarzyna Nowak, 'Recivilizing Refugees: Material Culture and Displacement in Transitions from War to Peace in Displaced Persons Camps in Post-Second World War Europe', S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation, 10 (2023) 1, 4–22. Download PDF.
Peter Gatrell, Anindita Ghoshal, Katarzyna Nowak, and Alex Dowdall, ‘Reckoning with Refugeedom: Refugee Voices in Modern History’, Social History, 46:1, 70-95, 2021.
Lauren Banko, Katarzyna Nowak, and Peter Gatrell, ‘What is Refugee History, Now?’, Journal of Global History, 1–19, 2021.
Katarzyna Nowak, ‘“To Reach the Lands of Freedom”: Petitions of Polish Displaced Persons to American Poles, Moral Screening, and the Role of Diaspora in Refugee Resettlement’, Cultural and Social History, 16:5, 2019, 621-642.
Katarzyna Nowak, ‘“We Would Rather Drown Ourselves in Lake Victoria”: Refugee Women, Protest, and Polish Displacement in Colonial East Africa, 1948-49’, Immigrants & Minorities, 37:1-2, 2019, 92-117.
Katarzyna Nowak, ‘A Gloomy Carnival of Freedom. Sex, Gender, and Emotions among Polish Displaced Persons in the Aftermath of World War II’, Aspasia. The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History, vol. 13, 2019, 113-134. 2020 BASEES Postgraduate Prize for the Best Article.
‘Soviet Soft Power in Poland. Culture and the Making of Stalin’s New Empire, 1943-1957’, by Patryk Babiracki, European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire, 23:1-2, 2016, 276-278.
‘Rising Subjects. The 1905 Revolution and the Origins of Modern Polish Politics’, by Wiktor Marzec, Europe-Asia Studies, 73:3, 2021, 582-583.
‘Occupiers, Humanitarian Workers, and Polish Displaced Persons in British-Occupied Germany’, by Samantha Knapton, CEU Review of Books, March 2024.